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Review: Holiday Lights at Adventure Golf, Westminster, Colorado
All family members enjoyed mini golf surrounded by thousands of Christmas lights. We had a wide range of seriousness, from kids who wacked the golf ball without warning, to adults taking the game very…
How to Survive a Snow Day: 10 Fun Activities for Kids and Adults
School canceled and stuck at home? Here’s 10 snow day ideas that are fun for kids and adults too!
One Trick for Flying with the Family that Makes Everything Easier
You’ve decided to travel for the holidays. Good for you! (said with only a tiny bit of sarcasm) It’s so nice to be around family and friends you don’t get to see all the time. Whether you are excited about it or dreading it, every parent knows that travelling with...
Hike Review: White Ranch Park, Jefferson County, CO
Family Friendly Hike? Review and Summary: White Ranch Park, Jefferson County, Colorado
10:37pm. Why it’s so hard to get a toddler to bed.
Why is it so hard to get a toddler to go to bed? You’ve tried everything and still there’s the sound of little feet in the hallway or the wail of crying from the bedroom. Why is this so hard?
Never Lose A Glove Again
Constantly looking for gloves? Never lose one of your kids gloves again with this quick easy trick.
How to Dress Your Kids for Skiing and Riding this Winter
Layers are essential for keeping kids warm and happy when playing in the snow. Find out how to dress your kids for cold weather this winter.
Our Favorite Gear for Families
Sometimes having great gear makes the difference between having a screaming toddler and a peaceful afternoon. These are our favorites of items that have made our lives easier as we enjoy Colorado with our little kiddos.
Two Hours to Get Ready for Colorado Ski Resorts
A Complete Guide on How to Get Your Entire Family Ready for Ski Season in just TWO HOURS! So you are ready for some pow.
Top 10 Colorado Guidebooks
The best thing you could ever have when exploring a new place? A Local guide. The second best? An awesome guidebook. See our Top 10 Colorado Guidebooks.
How to Wash Outdoor Gear
You probably know how to wash clothes. But what about technical clothing? How do you wash a down puffy or your kids ski pants?
Why I finally started this website.
Sooooo... I've thought about sharing these stories, thoughts, and tricks for years. I'd share a checklist I made or tell a friend about how we take our girls skiing. But, I finally decided that I won't let fear and intimidation wouldn't keep me from life anymore. I...
If you have other tips and tricks for washing outdoor technical clothing, leave a comment below. And remember to connect with Colorado with Kids on social media, it makes a huge difference in helping us provide more great articles and reach a broader audience.

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