Two Hours to Get Ready for Colorado Ski Resorts

Written By Esther Davy
You know the feeling, it’s late fall or early winter. It’s snowed a few times already here in the city. And you are itching to get out on the ski slopes. But then the thought hits you… Where is all our gear? Do we even have stuff that fits the kids this season? What have we lost in the last 9 months? That sounds like a lot of work! We’d better just snuggle up with Netflix at home.
Not so fast! In this article, I will teach you how you can get your entire family ready to go skiing in just TWO HOURS! Come on, that’s only two episodes of Jack Ryan.
Step One: Find your gear and gather it in one space
Grab a laundry basket and start searching for your ski clothes. You know what I mean, hit up the bedroom closets, the attic, the hall closet, the garage. Everywhere your family has taken their gear over the past 9 months and bring it all to your project space. Don’t worry about finding every single piece at this point, just GO get started!

Step Two: Take an Inventory of Your Gear by Family Member
Sort your gear by family member, one pile for each. Then use my Family Skiing Gear List Free Printable to take an inventory for each family member. Click here to checkout the article on Essential Gear for the Entire Family and to Download the Gear List. Go through the list and check off what you have and highlight what you don’t have or cannot find. For the inventory, start with your oldest child because they are most likely to have outgrown or need something. Rinse and Repeat with every member of the family. In the end, you’ll have a good idea of what gear you’ll need to shop for before you hit the slopes. Black Friday Sales anyone?
Checkout our favorite gear in the resources tab.
Pro Tip: Grab a set of long pajamas to use as a guide to check if a piece of clothing will still fit or not. We LOVE Primary because they are really high quality pajamas and are super comfy. We even have the family pajamas. Check back to see our silly family christmas card in December!
Step Three: Wash Anything That’s Looking Rough
If you haven’t had the opportunity, aka you’ve been too busy living to wash your outdoor gear lately, this is a great time. If you aren’t sure how to wash technical clothing so you don’t damage it, check out our post on How to Wash Outdoor Gear. Give those puffys, thermals, base layers, and waterproof jackets some love with Nikwax. After all they keep you warm all winter, you owe them.
Step Four: Gather Gear Into One Go Bag

“MAN. It’s going to snow 8 inches at Breckenridge tonight. Want to go skiing tomorrow?” Does this sound familiar?
Do not panic. You got this! You are going to gather all the gear you need to take your family skiing into one or two Go Bags. You could also use a plastic tote or box, but for me it is my Northface Base Camp Bag. I freaking love this bag because it is waterproof, extremely durable, has outside loops for gear and when we take it to the ski resorts, it leaves my hand free for carrying whichever kiddo doesn’t want to ride in their luxury stroller. Place everything that you do not use on a daily basis, in your bag or box. Lastly, you’ll want to print a couple extra of my Family Skiing Gear Guide to keep in the top of your go bag. That way, when you decide the hit the slopes, you’ll only need to gather a couple things. Place the bag in a convenient location, a hall closet, or the garage is great.
Step FIVE: GEt a TuneUP
Check your skis, boots, and poles for damage. You might notice a deep core shot from that epic back bowl run or rusty edges from the elements. Now’s the time to put your skis or board in your car and commit to taking them to your local ski shop to get tuned on your way home from work this week. We use a local ski shop here in Golden called, Powder 7. But support a local business near you.
Now you are ready to go when your favorite Colorado Ski Resort get a pow day! Take some turns for me! If you liked this article, would you share it on social media? It helps us out a lot!

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