17 Things to Do When You’re Stuck at Home with Your Kids

Written By COLORADO with KIDS
Bored at Home?
Social Distancing, School Closures, and Work from Home policies mean A LOT more family time than usual. And while I love my little monsters, I’m stuck at home and running out of creative ideas to keep us productive, engaged, and not at each other’s throats while we are staying home.
So here are 17 Creative Ideas on Things to Do when You’re Stuck at Home during the COVID-19 crisis.
creative Ideas for Family Activites while stuck at home
1. Design a Family Photo Album
Work together with your kids and family to design a family photo album. It could highlight a recent vacation, the past year in review, or even a fun theme like a kids sports activities or artwork. Or photos of a favorite pet. Companies who print albums are many, but Shutterfly is a popular one.
2. Plan Your Dream Family Vacation
Real or not, planning a family vacation gets you dreaming together and thinking about good times ahead. We could all use a little positivity these days. Start a family discussion on where would be a fun place to visit. Research those locations together and start a vision board for activities and sites you’s like to visit as a family. If finances permit, book your trip. Flights have never been more affordable or more flexible than they are now.
3. Have a “Stuck At Home” Spa Day
Our daughters particularly love making foot scrubs, face masks and having their nails done. A Cultivated Nest has a great list of DIY Spa Day Ideas.
4. Paint Your Child’s Bedroom
Is your little one getting older and outgrown that pastel pink? Research paint colors on pinterest and order ahead from a local paint store. You may even be able to pay over the phone so all you need to do is pickup your paint and get started.
5. Go Camping in Your Backyard or Living Room
Go ahead, pitch your tent, blow up the air matress, turn on that fireplace and recreate the whole camping experience right in your own backyard or inside your living room. Don’t forget the ghost stories!
6. Host a Fashion Show
Have an aspiring model or fashionista in your family? Go all in with a runway, music, popcorn, and flash photography. There’s no reason mom and dad can’t take a turn on the runway too!
7. Order Delivery from a Favorite Restaurant
Staying home is tough, but it is even tougher on local businesses. Support Local Business by ordering food delivered from your favorite restaurant. If they don’t deliver, order take out! Just sanitize your hands afterwards.
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learn something new together so you don’t get bored
8. Learn a New Recipe with your Family
Creating meals from what you have on hand doesn’t have to be boring. Take an online cooking class with your kids and learn to cook something new together. Life Love and Tyme created a great list of Online Cooking Classes for Kids.
9. Start Learning a New Skill
Who has time to learn a new language or to teach our kids to play chess? We do now. Check Out Masterclass for Adults and Bluprint for Kids. Bluprint is offering 14 days of free access for families. Depending on the ages of your children, you could learn numbers, letters, reading, math, jump rope, reading and the list goes on and on. Maybe start by asking, what’s one thing you’d like to learn this week?
10. Read Aloud to Each Other
This is a classic that many families have done for generations. Order a paper book or download from kindle or your local library a classic chapter book that is age appropriate for your kids. Then all snuggle up and take turns reading chapters aloud.
11. Have an Outdoor Movie
It it is a warm night, throw a white sheet over the fence and host an old fashioned outdoor movie night. Find an old projector or order a mini projector that connects to your cell phone from Amazon.
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Stay Active as a family
12. Spring Cleaning
Wrangle your little ones into some spring cleaning while you are all at home. Sort and pack up clothes and toys that you’ve outgrown so you can donate them later. Finally tackle that junk drawer or medecine cabinet in your kitchen. How’s the tupperware tower treating you? Have your kids sort tupperware by size or color to include them in the fun.
13. Yard Cleanup
Winter can be tough on your yard. Take a few hours this week to show the backyard some love, cleanup debris, maybe even plant some bulbs for springtime. Hey, you are stuck at home anyway.
14. Do Yoga Together
There are so many great free yoga classes on youtube these days. Find one that is made for kids and work out some of that stress. Kids particularly like poses named after the animals they are taken from.
plan for the future
15. Review Your Family Budget
Most kids don’t get to see how families plan their finances. Now is a great time to review your budget and bring the kids into the conversation. It may surprise you to see how quickly they learn the importance of a dollar.
16. Plan a Home Renovation
There is no time like the present to dream. Whether it’s a full kitchen remodel, changing the bathroom sink, or a garage organization system, planning a home renovation can be a really fun project to do together. So pick a space, start gathering inspiration, pick out some fixtures or furniture. And if you are really ambitious, finish it up with putting together a budget for the whole project. Now you have a savings goal.
17. Hang Family Photos
You know those ones you had taken at that family event or vacation a few months ago. Now is a great time to go ahead and have them printed from an online print shop and get them hung up on the wall.
Not sure how to protect your family from getting Coronavirus? See this article and advice from WHO and CDC.

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